Die Welt explained the reason for the invulnerability of Russia

Russia's invulnerability to Western pressure can be attributed to large amounts of Russian foreign exchange reserves. About this in his article writes the business editor of the German newspaper Die Welt Holger Zschepitz. He noted that in terms of foreign exchange reserves in the world, the Russian Federation ranks fifth, and in terms of public debt, sixth since the end of the list. At the same time, according to Chris Wifer, a specialist at the independent consulting company Macro-Advisory, whose words are quoted in the material, the Russian government feels confident because of the country's not too great geopolitical vulnerability. Zschepitz noted that during the crisis, even despite sanctions and low oil prices, Russia significantly increased its reserves to a record $600 billion. In addition, the journalist points out the importance of the Russian Federation abandoning the dollar with a subsequent increase in its gold reserves. According to the news agency, in early February, the Die Welt newspaper wrote that US sanctions against Iran and Venezuela were competently used by Russia to increase its oil exports.



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